Multi-Channel Motor Control with Predictive Maintenance

The Lattice Automate Stack solution system architecture and initial reference design is depicted below. The Lattice Propel built RISC-V processor based subsystem combined with HW acceleration enables flexible, low power and high performance support for multi-channel motor control with AI based predictive maintenance over EtherConnect - a low-cost, real-time embedded Ethernet Network. Lattice and design services partners are also available to provide customizations to enable support for different types of motors and topologies.

Block Diagram


Technical Resources
Main System Reference Design
1.0 5/11/2021 7Z 22.3 MB
Node System Reference Design
1.0 5/11/2021 7Z 53.1 MB
Automate Stack
FPGA-RD-02218 1.0 5/12/2021 PDF 2.7 MB
Predictive Maintenance Training
1.0 5/11/2021 7Z 328.3 KB

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