Lattice Blog



Q2 2019 Industrial and Automotive Newsletter


晶格Nex CrossLink-NX带来的好处us Platform

是否想在保持功耗较低的同时提高嵌入式视觉和边缘应用的性能?bobappios下载地址看看格子如何交叉链接-NX桥接设备可以帮助您实现最新的设计目标。第一个使用Lattice的新产品设计的产品Nexus平台,与基于FPGA的解决方案相比,CrossLink-NX为设计师提供了高达75%的功耗。它还可以提高可靠性,而软误差率降低了100倍,并且产品外形尺寸高达10倍。此外,为了加速您的设计,CrossLink-NX具有Radiant 2.0开发工具的支持,该工具提供了一个bob电子竞技俱乐部易于使用的开发环境,该环境与经过验证的IP块和应用程序参考设计相辅相成。bob体育软件实施更复杂的设计,更快!


Ready to take the next step forward in edge application design? If so, then you need to take a close look at晶格Nexus平台, Today’s edge solutions supporting the hottest trends in product development need a platform that is designed from the get-go to deliver innovations at every level of design from solutions and architecture to individual circuits. Leveraging a proven 28-nm fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) process technology developed by Samsung, Lattice Nexus delivers industry-leading low power operation while supporting higher levels of performance, smaller product footprints and higher levels of reliability. This exciting new platform promises to bring power efficient performance to applications ranging from AI, video hardware security and embedded vision. Check out the details这里.


谁说历史没关系?正如Technalysis Research LLC总裁兼首席分析师Bob O’Donnell在最近的博客文章中指出的那样,题为“bob88体育登陆FPGA底漆”,随着行业成熟和客户需求的增长越来越复杂,芯片制造商倾向于专门研究。例如,FPGA的最新演变。FPGA最初是在1980年代开发的,以替代与ASIC相关的高NRES,其早期声誉成为IC的早期声誉,允许设计师添加新的功能并解决该领域现有产品中的缺陷。如今,FPGA正在朝着新的方向发展。开发人员专注于数据中心应用程序所需的高功率计算,或者是当今边缘应用中隐含的独特低功率需求。bobappios下载地址了解有关FPGA的未来演变的更多信息这里.

Radiant 2.0添加了密钥增强功能

尽管硬件在FPGA产品公告中引起了大部分关注,但软件工具在解决方案的快速开发中起着关键作用。Lattice的最新设计工具包,辐射2.0, offers an excellent example. The new tool set gives developers an easy-to-follow user experience by leading the developer clearly from design creation through importing IP, implementation, bitstream generation and download to the FPGA. New features include an on-chip debugging tool that lets developers conduct bug fixes in real-time, improved timing analysis, a new engineering change order editor that supports incremental changes, and a simultaneous switching output calculator that analyzes the signal integrity of individual pins.

