




Bring More Performance to the Edge

需要为边缘构建更高的性能AI解决方案吗?格子sensAI准备支持您的下一个项目。bob电子竞技俱乐部Lattice最近宣布了其新的Sensai Solutions堆栈的主要性能和设计流程。替代所有关键的硬件和软件组件设计人员需要在智能边缘设备中实现低功率,始终基于FPGA的机器学习/AI功能,堆栈的最新演绎提供了10倍的性能提升over its predecessor. Now developers can take advantage of a seamless interface with support for new neural network models, more machine learning frameworks and faster design cycles. At the same time new customizable reference designs help speed development of applications like object counting and presence detection. And a rapidly expanding partner ecosystem offers developers new custom design services that accelerate development.

New Radiant IP & Reference Design

进行开发和调试iCE40UltraPluseasier, Lattice rolled outRadiant Software,提供基本的构建块IP功能,包括PLL,DSP,内存,I2C和SPI。此外,允许用户可以利用辐射bob体育软件的参考设计包括:

Demos Showcase sensAI Capabilities, Ease-of-Use

Interested in sensAI, but unsure you have the time and energy to invest in learning a new technology? Check out Lattice’s technology demos. At the recent Embedded Vision Summit the Embedded Vision Alliance created videos of a number of新的sensAI圣演示ack跨多个应用程序。bobappios下载地址一个演示说明了晶格ECP5 FPGA运行Sensai的容易程度,可以快速检测和分类100堂课,将设备转化为家中智能的物联网设备。第二,lattice ice40 Ultra Plus运行Sensai堆栈可以执行简单的手势检测任务,而活跃时可以执行简单的手势检测任务。然而,它仍然可以提供足够的性能来实现智能视觉,而无需连接到云进行数据分析。上述两个演示都可以在嵌入式视觉联盟的YouTube频道上获得。


如果每个人都喜欢一个赢家,电子工业上ry must be falling in love with Lattice’s sensAI solutions stack. The solutions stack has racked up five prestigious industry awards in just the last six months. The wins started back in January when sensAI was named an “EDN Magazine Hot 100” product for 2018. By combining modular FPGA hardware kits, neural network accelerator cores, software tools, reference designs, and custom design services, Lattice’s sensAI stack helps fast track development of AI inferencing in edge devices for smart homes, smart cars, smart factories, smart factory applications.

A few months later in April, sensAI was named “最具竞争力的FPGA产品”《中国电子市场》(CEM)作为其2018年编辑奖的一部分。在其许多功能中,Sensai的选择是因为它能够将超低功耗,小包装尺寸和灵活的接口IP支持结合到一个引人注目的解决方案中,以在网络上运行的数以百万计的功率和外形敏感设备中添加AI推理功能bob电子竞技俱乐部边缘。

In late June Lattice’s sensAI solutions was designated the “最佳基于AI的工程解决方案”在2019年AI突破奖中,一个论坛旨在表彰AI领域的顶级公司,技术,产品和服务。该奖项通常会吸引多达1500名来自世界各地的提名。

一周后,Sensai再次被命名为“物联网”年度产品” at the Electronics Industry Awards held in London. “The full featured sensAI stack includes everything you need to evaluate, develop and deploy FPGA-based ML/AI solutions – modular hardware platforms, example demonstrations, reference designs , neural network IP cores, software tools for development, and custom design services,” said Niamh Marriott, Components Editor for Electronics Magazine. “Despite tough competition this product manages to transcend the pack.”

7月初Assodelaward for the industrial and automotive-related hardware product category. The Assodel recognizes the best manufacturers in the electronics sector and is a part of the Italy Electronic Districts Association.

Press Praises MachXO3D and sensAI Announcements

格子recent announcements of theMACHXO3D FPGAand a major upgrade to itssensAI solutions stackhave resonated well in the industry press. Patrick Moorhead, writing inForbes Magazine,最近说:“我相信Lattice最新的低功率FPGA产品在拥挤的高力领域,用于Edge AI和安全性。我非常有兴趣看到许多最终产品出现。”他补充说。

Richard Nass, Executive VP for OpenSystems Media, added more praise for the recent upgrade of sensAI inEmbedded Computing Design。“Lattice is already known for delivery of low power programmable devices and continues that trend with this release while embarking down the AI path,” he noted.

最后,凯文·莫里斯(Kevin Morris)电子工程杂志chipped in with a similar opinion. “The company (Lattice) is hitting at two of the most critical aspects of connected systems these days – securing applications and embedding AI inferencing at the edge – and they have a decent head start on what is definitely becoming a highly competitive segment.”


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